Monday, December 19, 2011

We Treat, God Heals

One of the things that caught my eye while at the clinic in Kenya was this sign. We treat & God heals. I had to stop and think about this for a moment. Sometimes I think in America we simply declare "We treat" and see no need or place for God. Well when you rooms filled with medications, fancy machinery, and adequate staffing with years of education backing the "we," it would be easy to place the credit on humanity. However, the world I witnessed was a lot different. There were moments when I looked at the situation in front of me and thought to myself, "we" can do absolutely nothing. Sometimes this was due to a lack of something or perhaps the failure to intervene at the opportune time. Other times the situation simply was beyond man's scope of practice. Kenyans are eager to make the God claim. In fact, sometimes that is simply all there is. God's mercy.

I found myself having to truly wrestle with the question, Do I believe God heals? Do I believe He heals the same way that he did in the gospel accounts? Do I believe He heals even without modern medicine? It still tests my faith to this day. I can tell you I saw miracles. I saw a woman bleeding enormous amounts, losing consciousness...and God saved her life. I saw a young boy with a horrific burn injury happily sitting on his bed rocking out to some music. I saw mothers fighting against all odds to preserve the health of their children, born and unborn. What a privilege it is to see the hand of God at work. What an honor to surrender my hands to allow him to touch others through me.

My heart still yearns to go back. I wonder if that's what the Israelites felt like. Knowing the Promised Land awaited them, but not knowing when they were going to get there, and facing many setbacks along the way. All I know is God did not plant this desire, this calling, this insanity in me for nothing. And I must place my hope, my trust not in Kenya but in the Lord. Psalm 37:4 says "Delight yourself in the LORD, and he will give you the desires of your heart."

As Christmas approaches, my thoughts and prayers are with the slum children. My heart breaks to think that for them, Christmas is just another day of the year- the anticipated American Christmas just a distant fantasy, part of me hopes they just do not know.... One day I will be with you again...I will teach you Christmas songs and show you pictures of snow....We will cut out paper chains and I will give you my heart....

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Lean Not

Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths. Proverbs 3:5-6

God speaks. A lot of times I am not a very good listener, but He speaks and He shows up. This has been a very challenging couple of months for me. Coming back from Kenya is one of the hardest things I have had to face. The "why" questions have plagued me for a long time. Why couldn't I just have stayed there? Why am I in school? Why do I stress over such small things? Why did I feel so at peace there, but cannot seem to find it here? I do not have a straightforward answer to any of those questions, but I know the Lord is preparing me for something big. Something where I will have to trust Him with my entire being and will not be able to lean on any of my own knowledge, ideas, control.

I was thinking yesterday about all the minor setbacks that seem to keep popping up. A few weeks ago, our electricity was out. A week ago my laptop essentially died and is not usable. Yesterday and throughout this quarter, I have run into some financial hardships. And although in each of these situations, MY reaction was to worry, to panic, to freak out. Yet now I can see the Lord's hand in it all. I can live without electricity. I can live without a constant connection to the internet and technology. God will provide when I know longer have adequate funds. Hmm...I wonder why I might need to begin to let all these things go...:) God has a good sense of humor.