Friday, September 9, 2011


Normally I don't blog two days in a row, but today was quite meaningful and really had an impact on me. Today was the first time I spent a significant amount of time in the slums. I wouldn't say I was surprised necessarily by anything I saw; to some extent I expected the trash covering the street, the plethora of smells, the haphazardness of the makeshift buildings. Rather, I think I was taken aback by how "normal" the people were. If I had seen most of them anywhere other than the slum, I probably would have never guessed where they resided. We went to a school....a very tiny place for around 60 students, ages 2-10 I would say. The teachers were absolutely lovely. Like the workers at the health clinic, I have the upmost respect for the work they do. The kids are supposed to pay a small fee for their schooling, but many are unable to do so, causing the teachers to receive minimal salary. Yet these woman absolutely LOVE what they was so apparent, even in just the several hours we spent with them.

And the children. Where to begin. They were so well-mannered, full of laughter and joy. The older ones naturally kept an eye on the younger ones. They took turns playing games. They were just so happy to play a simple game in a circle or run a relay or just hold hands with one of us. I immediately fell in love with a little girl, who I would guess to be about 2. She did not say a single word to me, but that did not stop me from talking to her. She was just completely content holding my hand or being held in my arms. I couldn't get her to tell me her name, so I asked one of the teachers and she told me her name was "Blessings." I thought that was quite fitting. Now I am sure I could have fallen for any one of those precious kids....but I think this little girl was just another way that God is reminding me of his faithfulness and all of the "blessings" that he has given to me.

I may be physically leaving Kenya in three days, but my heart has been completely taken and broken for these beautiful people.

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