Happiness is....
- Seattle. Tomorrow bright & early I will be en route to the city I have come to love. Though I am very happy to be living & working in California, Seattle is like a second home. The cityscape as you drive in from the airport, the waterfront views, the cool, crisp mornings, watching the rain come down from the warmth of one of many coffee shops, when the sun finally shows its face and all of Seattle comes out with it. But all that is secondary to one thing: the people. When I moved to go to college, I did not know anyone. Four years later...I had to say goodbye to dozens of people who have shaped and changed my life forever. Reconnecting with people you love has to be one of the best things in the world.
- Mail. Anyone who knows me knows how much I love mail. When I have worked the night shift and am sleeping during the days, sometimes I will wake up around noon, momentarily, to go check and see if the mail has arrived. I am also guilty of keeping the door open (with the screen door) so I can hear the truck when it turns on our street and being "upset" on holidays because the mail isn't delivered. You would think with all the hype that I must get a substantial amount of exciting mail...though I do probably get more snail mail than most, there are many days when I get nothing of substance. Still those days I get a card from a friend or a package covered in stickers - it makes my day. Hence why I send a lot of mail. That realization that someone took the time to write a message or assemble a package or pick out a postcard....find your address...track down a stamp or took a trip to the post office...it just makes you feel incredibly loved. Though I know the world continues to move full speed ahead into the digital age, I am fighting it. Even with Imani, I am convinced the 46 cents is truly a small price to pay to remind someone they are loved.
- Laughing for no good reason. I can tend to be rather sarcastic, and truly do enjoy a little wit and a good laugh. I worked last night and at one point in the middle of the night, I was looking at my status board that lists the patients I am taking care of and happened to see they were all listed as Fall Risk. I couldn't help but share with the other nurse I was working with, "Hey, you know what I just realized? None of my patients can walk." And we burst into laughter. I guess it was just the sudden realization that even though the 4 kids I was taking care of had completely different diagnoses and ranged in age from toddler to teenager, somehow they all had something going on that was affecting their ability to walk. To most people, this is not the slightest bit funny and maybe even somewhat offensive, but the point is I am learning not to take myself too seriously and laughing with my coworkers definitely helps get through the stressful times.
- Everything fitting in your carry-on suitcase. My mom has always been a huge advocate of rolling clothing and packing strategically. After moving away from home for college, I learned the art of packing as I traveled and moved a number of times. Although I could afford to pay the extra $25 to check a bag, I was determined to at least try to fit everything I needed into a carryon suitcase and a purse. The moment you realize you packed everything AND have room for an extra shirt or two....a huge sense of relief and accomplishment (and the added bonus of not having to wait at baggage claim upon arrival).
- A good parking spot. My sister always says: "A good parking spot equals a successful shopping trip." [Of course if we lived in a city with real parking issues....a good parking spot would be more like winning the lottery!] But there is something about arriving at your destination and spotting that open spot that gives you a little boost of endorphins...and today I was blessed with a lot of good parking spots.
- A home-cooked meal. I was inspired to cook tonight. Despite the fact I don't cook a whole lot since I started working night shift and moving home, I do genuinely enjoy cooking. I decided to make feta and spinach turkey burgers...it's really quite simple but they taste like you put a lot more time into it :)
- Having true friends. I have always been blessed with wonderful friends. No, I was never the most popular, I didn't have the hot boyfriend...or even a boyfriend at all, I wasn't a star athlete, but I always have had friends who loved me for who I am, who have been there through thick and thin. To have friends who care about you all over the country and even the world, it's a wonderful feeling. Investing in my friendships is a top priority and taking a step back to see what a wide circle that has been cultivated over the years...it's a pretty cool thing.
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