Sunday, July 1, 2012

Standing In Awe

Though it has only been several weeks since I last blogged, each day has been packed full of answered prayers, leaps of faith, and doors swinging wide open.  In the midst of the whirlwind, I now take a moment to stand back in utter amazement.  Where to begin..

Well, let's start with the picture to the left.  Peter sent it to me this week- it is the newly renovated clinic, complete with a reception desk!  You may remember that a van crashed into the front of the clinic back in the winter, about the same time I was seeking birthday funds for the clinic.  The renovation you are looking at is a direct result of the generosity of many family and friends.  So thank you, from both me and many grateful individuals in Nairobi.

Next on the I have a job?  When am I taking my board exam?  Am I a real nurse yet?  The answers are not yet, in several weeks, and no.  Until yesterday evening, I had not yet received my authorization to test from the state of California.  Every day that passed without that anticipated email increased my stress level, especially as the board of nursing's recorded message stated they are no longer accepting phone calls.  As anxious as I was to be cleared to take my exam, I definitely was enjoying the true summer vacation and used the "down time" to pour myself into nonprofit things.  So I will take my board exam on July 23 (meaning I better start actually studying) and then hopefully apply for and receive a nursing position at the children's hospital.

Alright enough about that...on to the exciting stuff!  I had the opportunity to meet with several attorneys a couple weeks ago, and by God's grace found a firm that got my vote.  I have been attending two community education classes: Grantwriting and Developing & Managing a Nonprofit.  I enjoy them both, and have met some interesting people.  The timing of taking the classes and not having a job yet so I can attend the classes is no coincidence.  This week I took on the project of going through my room at home and turning our spare room into my office, or what I like to jokingly call "headquarters."  I guess all those office supplies I have been hoarding may actually come in handy...

So what is next?  Well, I am begininng to recruit a board of directors, will file the articles of incorporation soon, and will continue to seek advice in order to develop a thorough organizational plan.  I have a newfound appreciation for a variety of specialities including web design and accounting.  There are many skills which I can teach myself enough to get by.  I do not think creating the webpage is one of them. 

I know this is getting long and my sister has probably stopped reading paragraphs ago.  I must acknowledge the faithfulness and provision of God in all of this.  There are many examples I could share but most recently I was just praying for God to show me if I was supposed to move forward with the nonprofit, and if so, to make it clear.  That same day I received a check I had forgotten about in the mail and a good friend asked me to come and share with a group of people that weekend.  Then today I received an email about Seattle Pacific's global health exhibit at Seattle Center that I had been interviewed for about a month ago, but had not thought of much since.  When I saw the picture of me with Blessings, I just thought this is why I am doing all this.  This is why I am walking in faith into a world totally foreign to me.  This is why even though I have no homework or tests that I gladly stay up late into the night working on various tasks.  This is why I still can look at pictures from my trip and cry.  It reminds me of this quote a friend shared with me....God doesn't call the qualified, he qualifies the called.  Be encouraged, my friends.